Changes and Returns Policy

The company does not make refunds of money in any case.
Changes in sales made outside Peru are not accepted.
Changes may be made on the purchase 1 time only.
The change is always made with a ticket / bill of sale or a gift copy. Changes are only accepted if the product is in perfect condition and as it left the store, with original packaging in good condition.

Changes valid for an amount equal to or greater than the sale (canceling the difference).

Any change causes the issuance of a credit note that supports the operation, which will be valid for 1 day. If you do not use all the credit that day, the balance in favor is without effect.

Important information about taxes or duties
Please note that international shipments may have additional charges (such as taxes and duties) once the shipment reaches your country. Karin de la Sierra cannot predict what these amounts will be, since it is determined by the Customs of each country.

You are responsible for paying any additional charges requested by the authorities of your country. Contacting Customs can help you know the amount of tax-free imports determined in
your country and / or calculate how much you will have to pay taxes for the item you are purchasing.

In the event that you refuse to receive your order due to the additional charges determined by Customs, Karin de la Sierra reserves the right to charge you both the costs of shipping and returning the product, as well as any additional amount generated by Customs.

The courier will make two attempts to get your order to the indicated address. His order will be returned to Karin de la Sierra after two failed attempts. If this happens, Karin de la Sierra reserves the right to charge you any shipping fees, administrative costs, and any product damage compensation.